2014年12月23日 星期二

【DIY for Life】Mi Box never ever be overheated!!!

As for me, I am indeed the luckiest one in the world to own such amazing friends around me.
No matter how my life goes on, they are always by my side. <3

My friends gave me a big big surprise on my 24th birthday last month.

Guess what????? 

Mi Box!!!!!!!!!!
It is the bomb right now!
They can read my mind totally. <3
This is the very birthday gift I am craving for so long.

Everyone knows I am a TV-loving person that I often watch TV all day long at weekends to be relaxed
It is convenient enough to have Mi Box at home, because I can not only watch TV programs but movies as well.

However, there is a problem bothering me a bit. The set-top box is too small and black to be noticed on such my chaotic table…….lol

And silly me!
It is easily made to fall off from the table to the floor lol

What’s worse, it might be overheated after being used all day long!!!
I am worried about how long it could be operating x-(

So I make such the useful devise to cool down the temperature of Mi Box. B-)

What should we prepare for it?
USB Fan, box, foam, metal fan grill, box cutter, Polyfoam tape

Let’s do it!

Cut your box in square shape/ cut the foam as big as the size of the box, then hollow it out in square shape as the size of USB Fan

Stick the square frame of foam onto the box

Step3 .
Install the metal fan grill on the USB fan (to keep any kind of stuffs away)

Hollow out a small hole on the bottom of box
Finally, plug the USB cabin into the USB port of Mi Box

And, all is done!!!!!!! : )

how useful it is and easy to be made!
and we do conserve the recycled resource
SAVE the energy :-D

Magically, the problem of overheated box has been resolved, and
I will not make it fall off to the floor over and over!!!
What’s better, USB fan is slim, silent, and light

USB Fan can be used with any kind of set-top box with USB PORT!!!
That’s why I take USB fan as the option.
And it can solve the thermal problem, which is the most important merit of it.

Are you ready for DIY?
Let’s check every step ;-)
Hope you guys would like my idea for DIY.

PS. I’m going to watch TV series to enjoy my Saturday night lol